For this project, I kinda wanted it to sound angry haha so i for the into, i used a the Sweeper pad with a little kick drum to it and snook in a simple drum beat the plays throughout the whole song. Then for the main body of the beat, I used the slayer, boobass, and the simple drum beat from the beginning. For the slayer (which is where i used the chop and transpose) i used the same patteren, but in different pitches except for the very end of the slayer loop. For the bass, i made a groovy little beat to go along with it. For a fill, i used a little drum loop to make this interesting. Then finally for the outro, i used the same exact thing i used for the intro, which sounds really cool. Let me know what you think! (: Enjoy
I'm not crazy about the guitar line- I don't think it's very melodic, but be that as it may, it's balanced well with bass and drums. I would like to hear the drum break extended out a little more. It's a nice touch, so why not extend it a little?